Институт Устойчивых Инноваций

Development of methods of raising economic value of natural capital with application of SEEA methodology

Development of methods of raising economic value of natural capital with application of SEEA methodology

The developments are based on (1) the results of research on theoretical provisions and practical methods of transition to green economy in contemporary socio-cultural and socio-economic context, (2) methods for economic valuation of natural resources and ecosystem services that allow to take into account socio-cultural peculiarities of natural resource use of various social groups, (3) the results of adaptation of systems of indicators of sustainable development, environmental indicators as well as green growth indicators and environmental-economic accounting (SEEA) to modern conditions of the Russian Federation.

The project of “Cadaster” Institute “Innovation management in natural resource use” on (1) implementation of environmental-economic valuation of natural capital (including various components — mineral, forest, water, land, hunting commercial, fish resources) of region and municipal areas of the Russian Federation and (2) inclusion of evaluation (cost) indicators into systems of regional and municipal management were awarded with gold medal and diploma of the IV Moscow International Salon of Innovation and investments.